12 Family Command Center Changes To Make This Year

12 Changes You Need to Make This Year to Your Family Command Center

Family Command Center updates you should make this year

Do you have a family command center that hasn't been touched since you set it up a few year ago? Maybe you have not gotten on the family command center bandwagon yet and have no idea what I am talking about. 

Either way, it's a new year and we want to do everything we can to make 2019 your best year yet. You deserve stress-free mornings, a clean home, a happy family, and room to breathe.

I'm not promising you will get all of those things from a family command center, but you will be surprised at how much they can help with calming chaos. And they are vital to a good morning routine like we discussed earlier this week.

Family command centers are a good (and easy!) place to start so I wanted to give you the 12 changes you need to make to your command center using examples from top bloggers.

1. Use a Clock (or Two!)

I particularly love this family command center that shows two clocks. Now that we are living in Germany, this is a great idea as I am always forgetting what time it is in the States. Even if you are only in different time zones in the USA this could come in handy as you teach your children about different time zones, telling time, and what time you need to leave the house each day.

2. Child's Artwork Display

The Look What I Did section of this family command center is awesome. Yes, there is a cork board here too, but the place of honor for your child's artwork or report card (or a great accomplishment for mom and dad too) is a wonderful addition for 2019.

Looking for a family command center revamp in 2019? These are the 12 changes you need to make! I love tip #1 and #7, but #9 is a game changer!!!

Via Emerson Gray Designs

3. Backpack Storage

Am I the only one with a child that refuses to use hooks? For some reason hooks are not her thing, but a basket? Yes, that works just fine. This one is shared, but you could also get a basket for each member of the family.

4. Sorting on the Spot

This is an awesome time saver. Instead of just stacking the mail and papers as you bring them into the house, take 5 minutes to open the mail, and sort what you are bringing in. You can sort by person or by task (like file, to do, pay, etc.), whichever is easier for you.

Looking for a family command center revamp in 2019? These are the 12 changes you need to make! I love tip #1 and #7, but #9 is a game changer!!!

Via At Charlotte's House

5. Calendar Revamp

Okay, so not really a new idea, but a lot of family command centers have a calendar with only one month. As I'm going into 2019 with more intention, I am planning ahead more and I want that for you too. A double calendar helps you look ahead and envision your next couple of months instead of having blinders on to only your immediate duties.

6. Cork Boards for Timely Tasks 

If you are not using a cork board on your family command center you need to add one. These are great for invitations, tickets to events, permission slips, etc. These are the things you're not ready to toss, but will not file. They need to stay top of mind and have a clear end date. Resist the urge to pin artwork or pictures here as the space will become cluttered and you will start to ignore the important things here. The cork boards should be used for reminders only.

Looking for a family command center revamp in 2019? These are the 12 changes you need to make! I love tip #1 and #7, but #9 is a game changer!!!

Via Jenna Burger

7. Consolidated Shoe Area

Since family command centers are usually close to the entry way, it makes sense to put your shoe storage here. This shoe basket under a bench is the perfect place to sit and get your footwear on instead of having to sit on the floor or struggle with balancing. Trust me, it's super important if you live where there is snow in the winter.

8. ONE Place for Important Items

Before I added a family command center to our home, I cannot tell you the amount of time, stress, and cursing I wasted looking for my keys or my phone on my way out the door. Now, I am sure to put my keys, sunglasses, gloves, bag, and shoes all in the same place so I know where they are in the morning. And while I wish sometimes that I could leave my phone alone for 14+ hours, I make sure I put it here before I start getting ready in the morning so I do not need to search for it as we're leaving. This has done wonders for our morning routines.

Looking for a family command center revamp in 2019? These are the 12 changes you need to make! I love tip #1 and #7, but #9 is a game changer!!!

Via Five in the Hive

9. Paper Storage

This may be my favorite revamp for 2019! Paper storage is not new, but Hilda takes it to the next level by sorting her children's school work here. And even more, she gets them to do it! Since we do not live near our families, I've always wanted to send a book of artwork and school accomplishments to the grandparents for each year. This tactic would actually make that idea a reality as you are only dealing with the good stuff at the end of the year that the kids themselves are proud of.

10. Routine Chart

So, I've talked about a morning routine before and shared our family morning routine chart here (psst...it's free if you want to grab a copy for yourself!). This was a lifesaver for our family and I highly recommend it. But, these charts can get lost in the mix so it's great to put them front and center in your family command center.

Looking for a family command center revamp in 2019? These are the 12 changes you need to make! I love tip #1 and #7, but #9 is a game changer!!!

Via From Overwhelmed to Organized

11. Use Chalk Boards for Reminders

Maybe not a new idea, but still really useful for family command centers. The best thing about chalk boards is that they can be added anywhere now thanks to the paint. No more worrying about finding the right sized dry erase board. In fact, if chalk boards are not your thing, you can use dry erase paint too. The best way to do this is to paint the wall behind your family command center so the whole area is useful.

12. Boxes Hide Many Sins

Now, I wish my life looked like a spread in Elle Decor, but it does not. I am working on minimizing and while we still have lots of stuff, I keep it organized in bins and boxes. This system is great for kids too as they can help clean up by putting stuff in bins  without having to be too tidy. 

Looking for a family command center revamp in 2019? These are the 12 changes you need to make! I love tip #1 and #7, but #9 is a game changer!!!

Via Iron and Wine

So how are you planning to revamp (or create) a family command center to take control of 2019?

Be sure to Pin this for reference later (or share with a friend and do it together)

Family Command Center updates you should make this year12 Changes You Need to Make This Year to Your Family Command Center. I love #1 and #7, but #9 is the real game changer for us. Which one will you implement first?Do you have a command center for your family? When was the last time you updated it? These are 12 updates you should make this year!Learn how to create an awesome life for the awesome mama you are at LittleGreenBow.com

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