Ep 201: From Kindergarten Classroom to Clutter-Free: The Power of Play with Elizabeth Manley


Discover the benefits of play for skills growth, the downsides of too much screen time, and effective strategies for creating a learning-friendly environment at home on this podcast episode.

We also discuss minimalism, decluttering tips, the merits of intentional parenting, how play shapes child development, ways to increase fun, and organizing toys to minimize clutter.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Power of Play: Discover how essential play is to a child's development, and how reducing toy clutter can significantly enhance their growth and creativity.

  • Screen Time Concerns: Learn about the negative effects of excessive screen time on children, such as weakened fine motor skills and diminished focus, and hear expert screen time management strategies.

  • Engaging Children in Developmental Play: Get practical tips for engaging children in play that promotes development using minimal toys, focusing on outdoor activities and creative play with simple items like sticks.

  • Minimizing Toys: Understand the benefits of keeping toys to a minimum to enhance a child's focus and creativity, with suggestions for implementing a minimalist approach to your child’s play environment.

  • Promoting Imaginative Play: Gain insights on fostering more engaged and imaginative play, which can help counteract the drawbacks of digital distractions.

About Elizabeth Manly:

Elizabeth, a mom of two boys and author of Discovery Play with Littles, brings her decade-long experience as an early elementary teacher to address a common challenge: children entering kindergarten unprepared. On Discovery Play with Littles, Elizabeth combines classroom insights with her passion for nurturing strong family relationships and instilling essential character traits in children.

Elizabeth's passion is to empower parents with tools and activities that support early academic skills, social and emotional skills, and teach important life values like honesty, responsibility, kindness, and integrity.

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Elizabeth Manly


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