Ep 105: Love Your Wardrobe Like a Pro Stylist with Kim Hancher


Do you wish you could get dressed quickly each morning and feel fabulous about what you’re wearing?

I hear you!

One of the best things I ever did was to create a capsule wardrobe. I love how easily it is to choose an outfit for the day or pack for a trip. It’s amazing to know that I will look and feel great without a lot of extra effort or thought.

But…after the last two years, my capsule is feeling frumpy and I no longer feel it’s a perfect match. That's why I am thrilled to have a professional stylist join me on the show.

Kim Hancher, has a blog dedicated to teaching women 40+ how to regain their unique style and dress their body type so that they feel confident doing something you have to do every day, get dressed. After 27 years in Sales and Marketing, she decided to turn her lifelong fashion interest into a career and help others learn to love the way they dress.

And don't worry if you’re under 40 or don't want to dress like you’re middle-aged, Kim has great tips to help you dress however you like.

This episode of the Wannabe Minimalist Show will also help you discover:

  • What a capsule wardrobe is (and isn’t!)

  • How you can be a minimalist and still enjoy fashion

  • Why professionals swear by capsules

  • What to do if you're in a style funk

  • How to bring interest to an outfit without buying anything new

Show Sponsor: StitchFix

Get $25 off your first style fix and discover your personal style with their new style quiz!

StitchFix has been one of my favorite ways to update my capsule wardrobe when I don’t feel like shopping. I simply send a very specific request to my stylist to tell her what I need, what I want it for, and other details about my capsule pieces. Then, like a little style fairy, she sends me something that matches what I wanted along with a few other items to try. The trick is to know what you want and to ask for it so you get things you love - not the latest trends.

If you are looking to fill a gap in your wardrobe or need to get out of a style funk, try a fix and see if it does the trick. And you get $25 off your first fix so you can try it risk free. You’ve got nothing to lose.


Helpful Links:

some of these may be affiliate links. If you make a purchase using these links I may get paid a small amount. I stand by my recommendations. Thank you for supporting this podcast.

Kim Hancher’s Website

Creating a Capsule Wardrobe Freebie

Places Kim mentioned for shopping:


Classic Six



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