Ep 54: 7 Mantras to Help You Declutter and Organize Your Home

Considering a no-gifts party for your child? Check out why I will never host a no-gift party for my child even though I consider myself a minimalist. #birthday #simpleliving #minimalism Considering a no-gifts party for your child? Check out why I will never host a no-gift party for my child even though I consider myself a minimalist. #birthday #simpleliving #minimalism Considering a no-gifts party for your child? Check out why I will never host a no-gift party for my child even though I consider myself a minimalist. #birthday #simpleliving #minimalism Considering a no-gifts party for your child? Check out why I will never host a no-gift party for my child even though I consider myself a minimalist. #birthday #simpleliving #minimalism Considering a no-gifts party for your child? Check out why I will never host a no-gift party for my child even though I consider myself a minimalist. #birthday #simpleliving #minimalism Considering a no-gifts party for your child? Check out why I will never host a no-gift party for my child even though I consider myself a minimalist. #birthday #simpleliving #minimalism Considering a no-gifts party for your child? Check out why I will never host a no-gift party for my child even though I consider myself a minimalist. #birthday #simpleliving #minimalism

Have you ever wondered how some people keep their homes neat and tidy while you struggle with putting things away? A lot of it has to do with the mindsets you carry with you. 

When I first started out on my minimalism journey, I wondered how some people seemed to be just naturally neat and organized. You see, if you have just met me, you might think that I am one of those people…but I’ll let you in on a little secret…I used to be messy. And there are still times in my life - like when work gets busy or my daughter has a week off school, or my husband’s under a deadline…that things get out of control and our home looks like a chaos tornado whipped through it. 

I am anything but perfect and that’s okay. Perfect is overrated and not possible anyway.

But, on my journey, I’ve learned several tips and phrases that I like to call mantras that have inspired and helped me to focus and keep the right frame of mind when it comes to my stuff. And they can help you too. I truly believe that our thoughts become our actions and our actions become our habits that shape your lives for better or worse. 

Today’s episode will give you 7 of these mantras or sayings that neat and tidy people live by. And bonus, they’re easy to remember so you can start using them in your life too!

This episode of the Wannabe Minimalist Show will help you discover: 

  • The simple phrases you need to keep your decluttering on-track

  • Why what we tell ourselves is so important and how it affects our actions

  • How to use mantras and avoid becoming woo-woo

  • A more productive way to tackle the stuff in your home that you want to declutter 

  • My #1 saying to deal with just in case clutter that is holding you back

Want to remember this for later?Save it to Pinterest so you can come back when you’re ready.





Happier at Home: 5 easy steps you can take today to tidy up, take back your sanity, and thrive at home.


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